Sunday, August 20, 2006


I woke up the other day with a Jeff Anderson song in my head; which I must say is a pleasant way to start your day. As I got out of bed I thought to myself, how much I would like to record an uplifting worship album that would bless people. In immediate response I heard God speak to me in the small voice in my mind and he said, "You will not bless anyone by what you do or what you create, you will bless people because of who you are." I understood this to mean that being a blessing to others is the result of being the person God has called me to be, and that my accomplishments are not as important as the character that develops in me while following God's will. It is about obedience and faithfulness to God; following him first and only my dreams as he places them in my heart, and even then for his glory and not my own. Greatness in not earned by attaining earthly status, but in allowing oneself to be transformed in to the likeness of Greatness.